Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 21 December 2020

Good Afternoon Ladies

January 2020 seems so far away now when I was excited as I had lots of plans for the year ahead, no one could have predicted the year we were all about to experience. 2020 will go down in history.
Margaret referred to being Captain as being in the hot seat, my hot seat was in the garden throughout our lovely summer when we went into lockdown and when I was organising our weekly shuffles.

It certainly was not the year I had hoped for but these were unprecedented times and I still had a job to do making sure we all played some golf together and have some fun.  We have managed to play for 18 Cups and Trophies leaving 12 unplayed. A presentation will be held as soon as it is safe to do so.

Most improved Player goes to Jacky Swanson who’s handicap tumbled another 10 strokes this year putting her handicap index at 25.3 amazing well done Jacky.

My choice for Club Woman 2020 goes to Lin Goodey who always works so hard for the Ladies section and organises all the competitions and now payments on IG. She has been a huge support to me throughout this year and I am sure you will agree she goes above and beyond what is expected and I am very grateful for all the help she has given me this year, big thank you Lin.

I would like to thank Pauline for her support and friendship I know she will be a very capable Captain next year, thank you also to my Committee and Volunteers who have all been very supportive throughout this unprecedented year. We have been a good team and had some laughs.

I would like to wish Pauline and her team all the very best for 2021. Have fun.

I would like to thank everyone for their support and donations for my charity this year.

I wish you all a happy Christmas and a safe new year

Pauline will now take over the Newsletter

Ladies Captain