Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 22 Oct 2016

Captains and Vice Captains at the Claret Jug
Ady Barton – Men’s Captain, Kathy Dale, Jackie Reid, Nigel Jones (standing in for Craig Crowhurst Men’s Vice Captain)

Claret Jug
Last weekend, Jackie Reid and I were guests of Crown Golf and played in the Claret Jug held at South Winchester golf club. The CEO of Crown Golf welcomed Captains and Vice Captains from Crown golf clubs across the country to thank them and all the volunteers for their time and commitment in making our clubs so successful and enjoyable for our golf members.

New Members
Ann Kane is fairly new to golf and will hopefully be joining Chesfield (her husband and her son both play at our club). Thank you Kathy Morris for showing her the course this Tuesday. We can all welcome her as she will be staying for cake and the Stableford League presentation this week.

Some of you will have met Nikki Brooke who joined our golf club this week. She has previously been a member at Verulam Golf Club. She will be playing with us on Thursday so you will all have a chance to welcome her into our Ladies Section,

Hattersley Cup, Thursday 10th November
The draw for the Captain’s team and the Vice Captain’s Team will be done this week. Check the notice board for your tee times.

The Cup Winners Cup – Hot on the heels of her recent singles Knockout trophy win last week, this prestigious cup was won by Sarah Faircliff. Congratulations! 2nd Pauline Humphrey and 3rd Virginia Chan.

The Consolation Cup was won by Julie Price. Well done Julie ! 2nd Marica Kelland and 3rd Angela Chatterton.

Friendly Matches
Mount Pleasant at home – Some excellent matchplay from our ladies team to give us 2 wins and 2 draws. A fantastic result. The final match of 2016 season is on Monday at Mowsbury Golf club. Good luck to all the Chesfield Downs team.

National Golf Club Challenge 2016 Final
Our ladies’ and men’s team enjoyed a fantastic experience at Turnberry Golf Club last week. The weather was brutal – the rain was lashing down and the wind was howling – but we golfers are a hardy lot and of course played anyway!!

Although we did not win the trophy, Jackie Reid won Nearest the Pin and Richard Deeks won best score on Day 1. The entire event was truly superb. The halfway house has been located in the iconic Lighthouse. Amazing !! And the 9th hole over the sea to the green just had to be seen to be believed.

Kathy Dale, Ladies Captain