Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 23 July 2018

Hopefully you have all enjoyed another sun filled week of golf although football didn’t come home! The Open golf is continuing at Carnoustie as I write this so let’s hope there is an exciting finish there.

The Friendly team played their latest match against Heydon Grange at Home. It was a great game with five pairs playing. The result was an honourable draw and there were so many good comments from Heydon ladies about our course/club. I think those ladies now know why Helen moved to play at Chesfield. Big thanks to all who play for the Friendly team and give our club and our course a great name!

The tee times for the Away Day to the Bedford have been emailed out but are also on the board in the changing room. I will post any last minute changes in next weeks newsletter so keep your eyes peeled! Even if you have a later tee time come early for bacon butties and join in the putting comp – there will be prizes to win!!! If anyone still needs a lift please speak to a me or any of the Committee and we will sort!

Congratulations to Angela H and Caroline R who won the Palmer Betterball Cup last Thursday. Looks as though it was all quite close with some excellent scores. Well done all!

Good luck to the Scratch team in their final match of the season v Berkhamsted away. The course was a little bit like Carnoustie (parched!!) and without the bunkers when we played it last week!

Happy golfing one and all!
Sarah Faircliff
Ladies Captain 2018