Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 25 April 2022

 Slightly later this weekend, and no newsletter next weekend as I will be in Portugal

I made the bold decision to take out my winter hats from my golf bag at the beginning of the week. I was lucky on Friday that I found another one in the bottom of my bag!!!

All of our teams have been busy this week

Wednesday 20th April  Pearson at home to Welwyn Garden City – a win for Chesfield. Well done ladies

Friday 22 April  Friendly match at Pavenham. Always a very tricky course especially the greens. Chesfield fought hard but came second. Good effort ladies

Saturday 23 April  Scratch Team away to Bishop Stortford. A valiant effort but not their day. Well done ladies


Friendly Team- aptly named                           Scratch Team

16th June Charity Day. This may seem a long way off but it will quickly come around. There is a sign up sheet in the locker room for helpers on the day 

Please sign up and if you know where you would like to help then state that, otherwise just sign up and we will allocate you a position.

Also please dig out those golf clothes that no longer fit because of all the weight you have lost as we will have a nearly new stall. I got lots of bargains there last year. Remember items need to be in good condition.

Have you asked your hairdressers/beauticians for a voucher to be auctioned on the day?

Have you invited golfing friends to join in the day ? £30 for visitors

Thank you for all your support.

A few tips:-

We have been asked to let players through if we have lost a hole – even during a competition

Please please please one person mark the card while another tees off. This speeds up the game for everyone


Now for the good points:-

Wednesday11th May  Club night is back. 9 holes of golf followed by food and drink Tee times from 4.56-6.24 Prizes from approx. 8.30pm

Sign up in reception £5 for members and £15 for guests. A bargain night out. I will be there – come and join the fun

Ann K achieved an Eagle on the 7th hole. Excellent Ann- great work

There is a birdie tree behind the locker room door. Please put your name and date on the appropriate leaf as well as in the birdie book

Ann Grist Singles KO and Mary Warmoth  Pairs KO– last chance to sign up for these. First round will be from Monday Monday 2 May

General Play Cards can be submitted for any round of singles golf. The more you put in the less intimidating it becomes. GPC can be put in on Tuesday and Thursday of next week. Make sure you sign in for GPC on ig before going out. As Karen is on holiday please notify Lin of your intentions.

5th May Ladies Committee Meeting. Please let Olive have any items for the agenda by 30th April.

Driving Range – top up your membership card at reception for the driving range and get 10% discount on balls. This is a different levy from the bar levy

Course News JonJo was hoping to have GUR removed from Fairway bunkers at the end of this week. Check ig news for updates.

1st May He is hoping to have Winter Rules lifted. Again check ig for update

25th July Seniors Charity Day Round of golf, meal and prizes £25 members £35 non members


Jackie Reid will be taking a break from golf as she has had an operation. We wish her well and I have sent her flowers and a card from the Ladies Section


Ladies Stableford April Qualifier.  Winner of Division 1  Hazel 39 points.

                                                            Winner of Division 2 Nicola   45 Points

                                                             Winner of Division 3 Jacqui Hard  45 Points

Great scores ladies, well done