Finally we get to play the Megan Bonner Par 3 Championships. Extremely close scores with 3 ladies coming in with an amazing 54 nett score, therefore, on count back:
- First place: Angela H
- Second place: Kathy D
- Third place: Maggi Theaker
Well done ladies!
Thursday saw ladies competing in the alternative date for the ‘England Golf Trust Stableford Qualifier’. The purpose of the England Golf Trust Stableford Competition is to raise funds to support young golfers of any level who, without some financial assistance, would not be able to continue playing the game. A very worthy cause. Winners from both divisions have their scores added together and the top 30 pairs will be invited to play in the National Final which is played as a Better Ball pairs competition at King’s Norton Golf Club, to be held on 17th August 2021. Congratulations go to Sarah – division one winner and Kathy M – division two winner, well done ladies great scores, good luck!
Away Weekend
Hopefully the weather will be kind to us at Staverton Park over the next few days, many thanks to Nikki and Nicola for all their hard work making this very welcomed event happen.
Charity Day
As you are all now aware the ‘Charity Day’ has been rescheduled to Thursday 19th August 2021. Hopefully all restrictions are lifted by this date and we can have the day we all deserve. Information is now on the notice board allocating volunteers their tasks, please tick your name to show availability. Ladies who sadly are no longer able to attend please take your name off the sign up sheet on the notice board (if you have already paid please let me know and I will arrange for you to be reimbursed). Bottles and bric-a-brac items for raffles will be gratefully accepted by any member of the ladies committee.
Club Championship 2021
This most prestigious competition starts next week. The groundkeepers have been working hard to get the course in ship shape condition, and its looking great! Everything to play for!
Thursday 1st July round one
Thursday 8th July round two
This competition is played over two rounds, therefore any handicap change after the first round will not apply for the second round (but will apply for any other competition played in between rounds). The lowest Gross Score will be awarded the Ladies Club Champion. The lowest nett score will be awarded the Angela Chatterton Handicap Trophy. Further information available on IG. Good luck everyone!
Scratch Match
Sunday 4th July sees our scratch team in action again when they take on Knebworth at home. Good luck ladies.
Away Day
There is a poster in the ladies locker room for the ‘Away Day’ on Thursday 5th August at Wyboston Lakes. This is when we compete for the ‘Kelland Pairs Trophy’. If you wish to attend please add your name and menu choice to the form. Payment of £42.00 can be made into: CDLS 40-28-14 81769642 referenced ‘Away Day’ (if you are unable to pay via online banking, cheque/cash may be put in an envelope referenced: ‘Away Day’ ‘Name’ ‘Amount’. Please place in the black box in the ladies locker room, thank you.
Happy golfing
Kind regards
Pauline Humphrey
Lady Captain 2021