Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 27 May 2019

As the sun rose over our beautiful Chesfield Downs Golf Club last Tuesday, the news broke that the Club had been sold to The Club Company. After a few weeks of speculation, it was reassuring that things had been finalised and we would be in the safe hands of owners with a highly respected reputation within the golfing world. The Club Company previously operated and developed the original Chesfield Downs some years ago, so they know our club and what makes it special! As time goes by, we will get to know the key players and see some small changes around the club. The staff, who we rely on, will remain in post and for the time being, we have been reassured, little will change. These are exciting times and like many of you, I am keen to see how the new owners develop our much loved club. The Section Captains will be meeting the new owners for a second time this coming Thursday evening and it goes without saying that I will keep you informed as things progress.
This time next week, many of us will be at Stoke by Nayland enjoying their courses and hospitality. Fingers crossed for some warm and sunny weather! It will be a welcome break from the planning that goes around the Charity Day!! In saying that, the Charity Day sign-up sheet will be coming down after this Thursday’s game, so please do sign-up if you haven’t already done so. Rogie and I will be sorting out the tee times while we are away!! Other reminders – don’t forget the Sponsorship of a Hole, where there are still a few gaps and the Halfway House food goodies list…. can you ever have too much to choose from after playing 9 holes?? Mary H and Jean P have kindly offered to run this for us, so lets try to give them the nightmare of sorting out how they will get all the food on the table!! Finally with regard to the Charity Day, can you please make sure that your payments are clearly marked so that Pat can see what you are paying for e.g. ‘Sponsoring a Hole’ etc. Thank you for all your support to date.

We have had lots and lots of responses to the GDPR Privacy requirements, so a huge thank you for doing that! However, as part of our GDPR obligations, at the end of the month, we will be deleting from our mailing list anyone who has not reconfirmed their mailing list subscription. If you wish to remain on our list and have not reconfirmed your subscription, you can do so using the ‘UPDATE YOUR PREFERENCES’ link at the bottom of this newsletter email. Please do not miss the deadline!!

The Ladies Section Committee will be meeting after golf this Thursday, our agenda is fairly full; discussing the news of change of ownership of the Club, Charity Day arrangements etc. If you have anything that you feel needs to be discussed by the Committee please feel free to talk to one of us and we will try to include it during the meeting. Going forward, I am hoping to get the minutes of these meetings out to individual members electronically if they so wish. Please let me know by email if you would like to receive an electronic copy of the minutes, once they have been agreed by the Committee. I know some of you would prefer this! Paper copies will continue to be available in the locker room.

Strangely the results this week have not been high scoring, rather bizarre when you think back on how good the weather and the course have been! Tuesday saw the first tranche of competitors in the Australian Spoons competition. Don’t forget you are able to enter as many times as you wish, with a different partner each time, as long as you notify Pauline H beforehand, complete your card, have it signed, leave it into the locker room box and you pay the required entry fee (usual system). The final winners from our club will go forward to the Eastern Region Final at the Thetford Golf Club on Thursday 18th July. Good Luck everyone.

Thursday saw the ladies enter the Ping Pairs competition. The highest score on the day came from Kathy M and Debbie F but unfortunately due to handicap restrictions laid down by England Golf, they were ineligible to win. Pauline H and I, who were next in line, will be keeping our fingers crossed that our 39 points will get us through to the final at Gainsborough in September, but experience tells us it is very unlikely the score is good enough!!

Saturday saw 8 ladies compete for the Weekend May Medal with Nikki B coming in with a Nett 73, an excellent result after a handicap cut very recently! Second place went to Lin G with a Nett 76. Well done to you both and all the ladies who competed in what I understand was a very slow game of golf!!! The Maximum Score element of 5 over Par in Medal games is designed to help avoid just this scenario!!! Its very frustrating I know!!

Its the time of year when the diaries come out and we struggle to find those dates for our single and pairs knockouts. Please keep an eye on the deadline dates so you don’t run into trouble. Enjoy your matches and the spirit in which they are played when amongst friends and good luck to you all!!

Get the sun tan lotion out and enjoy this lovely warm weather!

Margaret Gentle
Ladies Captain 2019