Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 28 April 2019

Apologies for the quality of these pictures, but the sun was actually shining on 11th April when the Jubilee Jug was played and affected the camera shots! The photos may not be great but the golf shots played by Angela H and Marica K were a cut above the rest of the field, coming in with a score of 42 pts, just ahead of Nikki and Nicola on 41 pts and taking the coveted Jubilee Jug.

Taking the best dressed pair crown in the ‘Driving out the Blues’ competition were Lauren P and Kathy D with their rather dangerous syringes! The ‘Blues Brothers’ of Linda B and Pat W and ‘The Ladies on Patrol’ from Di C and Christine S were also brilliant and certainly made the decision a very difficult one!

Back to this last week and an eagerly awaited result for the Ann Warner and Maureen Eastwood Trophy! The weather was not quite as difficult as the weekend ‘alternate’ day, but nevertheless the weather conditions were not easy with rain never far away. Coming in with the highest score in Division 1 over both days was Jan K with 36 pts, but the Ann Warner Trophy goes to Lauren P with 35 pts. Once Jan K gets all 3 qualifiers under her belt, she will surely be a force to be reckoned with! Well done to both ladies. In Division 2, a similar situation arose with Debbie F coming in with 36 pts, but taking the Maureen Eastwood Trophy with 33 pts was Annabel Scholes. Well done to both Debbie and Annabel for some great golf.

Our Friendly Squad of ladies went off to Pavenham, near Bedford for their first match of the season. Those of you who have played there, will know how very difficult the course and particularly the greens are. As in previous years, the match went to the home team, but our ladies enjoyed their day and the friendship of the Pavenham Ladies.

Going it alone this week, I am really pleased to tell you that Jackie R won her first round of the De Paula Cup. Well done and we look forward to following your progress.

On a cool breezy Sunday morning in the shadow of the Cathedral at St Albans, the Scratch Team – Sarah, Virginia, Pat, Kathy and Olive (who was making her debut) set out to beat the ladies of Verulam…! The matches were close and played in a lovely spirit, with lots of laughs and some good shots!!! Congratulations go to Virginia, Kathy and our debutant Olive for fantastic wins, giving Chesfield another superb 3 and 2 win away from home. Thanks to all the girls for another great performance which continues our great start to the season.

At the Jubilee Jug gathering and in a previous newsletter, I mentioned that the committee is working on ensuring the data we hold on all our members and the way this is stored, complies with the new regulations of GDPR. To this end, you should all have received an email requiring you to confirm your consent to continue on our mailing list. Can I please ask you to take the time to do this. It should only take a few minutes to complete and is really simple to do. In the next week or so, we will be in contact with you again regarding the wider information we hold.

In an effort to ensure that the Miss Designer Golf Day which will be held on Tuesday 2nd July, is open to as many as possible, it will run through til dusk!! This will mean that the normal Ladies Tuesday tee times will be used and if you are unable to play during those times, you will be able to book a tee time later on that day, playing with another lady member and still be eligible for the BIG PRIZE. I am thrilled to be able to tell you that the 1st prize will be a £100 gift voucher from Miss Designer Golf, the 2nd prize a £40 gift voucher and 3rd prize a £20 voucher. All those competing on the day will also receive a £10 gift voucher. Look out for the poster in the Locker Room!

Finally the tee time sheet for the Spring Meeting is now on the Notice board, there is still room for some latecomers, so please let me know if you want to take part. A Raffle in aid of Mind in Mid Herts and Tilehouse Counselling will be held alongside the meal.

Fingers crossed for some warmer weather and good luck to all those playing in the May Medal (Maximum Score) match on Thursday, which will also bring a winner of the Pearson Trophy from all those who have taken part in the Pearson Season of matches during 2018/19.

Keep golfing