The sun continues to shine (except for last Thursday) the ball continues to roll. Long may it last
Update on Wendy’s shirts – they have been left in the locker room and been reunited with their owner!
The second hand clothing/equipment has been in the locker room long enough. I will remove them all next week and put them out again at Winter Invitation. If you would like to purchase anything do it quickly and pay in to Just Giving Page.
A huge thank you to Marica, Hilary and Louise for their amazing “posh tea parties”. Everything was delicious and home made. They have swelled the coffers of the charity. Now it stands at just over £8000
Jacqui Hard got her first birdie last week and she did it in style gaining an Eagle. Well done Jacqui
I have 7 requests for white sleeveless polo shirts. Please let me know ASAP if you would like to order one
17 September. Captains Day. Still a few tee times left. Sign Up Sheet is in corridor by back door
22 September Autumn Meeting. Sausage or vegetarian sausage and mash for meal.
Sunday 25 June – Tuesday 27 June Weekend Away 2023. See previous newsletter for details. Sign Up Sheet from 1 September in locker room
Tuesday 30 August. Practice Round. Ideal time to put in a General Play Card
Thursday 1 September Eclectic Cup Q Round 1
Sunday 4 September Ward Pairs
Tuesday 6 September Stableford League Round 5
Thursday 8 September Eclectic Cup Q Round 2
Saturday 10 September EG/Club Medal September Q
Tuesday13 September Stableford League Round 6
15 September EG/Club Medal September Q
Saturday 17 September All Sections Captains Day
August Stableford 21 and 25 August Division 1 Annette G Division 2 Lin G
By the time I write the next newsletter it will be September. It’s very true what they say – the older you get the quicker time flies. Or is it because we are so busy?
Enjoy the extra holiday this weekend. Enjoy your golf next week however it goes. I have played very badly this week and both times put in General Play Cards and my handicap has gone up both times The only positive I took away from the game was – I topped up my tan!