Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 28 February 2021

Last day of February today, how come the shortest month of the year became the longest? Come on 29th March! Will be great to get back out on the golf course I am sure you will all agree. Its been a long winter but better times ahead. England Golf have now released ‘A roadmap for the return back to golf in England’ Please see link below if you have not already seen it;

We are currently awaiting further clarification from The Club Company.

Dates for Competitions During 2021

So far this quarter we have missed many of our planned events. It is my intention to play all abandoned competitions, if possible, throughout the season. Therefore, we will have quite a few changes to the calendar, which will be updated on IG when confirmed. It is expected all dates will be in place for our return on 29th March.

Away Weekend 2021

Following the governments announcement on 22nd February it has been suggested that we move the ‘Away Weekend’ to the end of June when all current restrictions, hopefully, will have been lifted. This will enable us to share rooms, and enjoy a meal together following a brilliant days golf. It is unfortunate for those of you who are unable to attend, but, at this moment in time, as you are all aware, we have to follow government guidelines. Thank you to Nikki B who is finalising the dates on Monday. Further information will be sent out when we have confirmation from the venue.

Solheim Cup 2021

I am sure most of you will have heard that our opponents for the Solheim Cup, Mill Green Golf Club are under new ownership. Unfortunately, we are now no longer able to compete with them for this biennial trophy event. But the good news is, with the backing of the ladies section committee, I have been in touch with The Essex golf club. The Essex is another ‘Club Company’ golf club who are delighted at the prospect of being involved in this special event. Therefore, we have added the date of Friday 3rd September to our diary and have invited The Essex to Chesfield Downs. So put the date in your diary and we can show The Essex what a great event it really is!

Live Online Golf Tutorials

These continue this week with:

Psychological Steps to Better Golf – Tuesday 2nd March 2021 at 12:00

All tutorials take place on Zoom, to register click on the link below, Latest News at Home, scroll down to, live online golf tutorials, click on, to register for session.

Have a good week.

Kind regards
Pauline Humphrey
Lady Captain 2021