Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 29 January 2022

Last newsletter of January!!! Dry January is almost finished. Well done to those who have persevered

Sunny days are getting closer Golf without 4 layers of clothes on are coming.

24th February – Megan Bonner Par 3 comp. Sign up sheet is in locker room. Be sure to say Y or N as to whether or not you are staying for soup afterwards

Tuesday results for Novelty Stableford 1st Margaret G 22 points 2nd Sarah F 20 points.

If you are withdrawing from a competition could you use the message service on ig and then we are not clogging up other WhatsApp groups. Also withdraw on Start sheet

Eco friendly If you have used batteries and/or corks please put them in a box in the ladies locker room ( from Tuesday). They will be recycled. Thank you Jackie Reid for this initiative

Mug Shots of the 2022 committee are in the ladies locker room along with their committee role

Shoe Cleaner This has been re-sited. Please don’t use the nozzle to dig out mud from shoes. This is what is causing the airflow to decrease

De Paula Cup for players with handicaps between 12.4 and 20.4. This is a county scratch singles knock out comp. Details will be in the locker room from Tuesday but details are on the Herts Golf website

A completed score card will be put up in the locker room. Please mark your cards accordingly. It is getting increasingly difficult for Karen to understand the cards

We can now swop cards and upload our own onto ig if you are comfortable with this

Top Tip Mark your ball on the green if it is anywhere near the putting line of another player. Don’t wait to be asked

John Dench Parking Space– last call for bids for this space for the whole of March. Top bid at the moment is £26