Oh my goodness this is the last newsletter in May which means next one is June – almost half the year gone!
Big news of the week has to be that the ladies won the Ken Bird Trophy for the first time since 2011. We are very proud of ourselves. Well done team
Charity Day Thursday 16th June If you haven’t already signed up you have until 9th June to do so.
Main course will be a chicken dish. £25 for members £30 for guests payable into Ladies Section Account please. Please let Ann Kane know if you or any of your guests have dietary requirements
Thank you for all the golf clothes and equipment. That will be a brilliant stall. I bought a lot of clothes last year
Desperately in need of bottles for the bottle tombola – doesn’t need to be alcohol or even edible. It’s a gamble what you will win, bottle of vinegar, bottles of Prosecco? Who knows?
Sponsor a hole – all holes have at least one sponsor but more than one person can sponsor a hole – again donation (minimum £25) to ladies section referencing sponsor a hole
Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to man a stall, be a starter/photographer, helping at Top Tracer, the half way house and last but not least is playing the competition. I know it is controversial that men are playing- let’s see how it goes. It can be reversed next year if we decide it isn’t a good idea.
Thursday 2nd June Coronation Foursomes. Let’s flood the course with red white and blue. Have you a Union Flag you can put on your trolley/hat? Don’t forget to join me in a Prosecco or soft drink after the competition.
Tuesday 7th June Stableford League Round 4
Wednesday 8th June Members night Sign up sheet is behind reception. Not sure if there are any places left. Its great value so places go quickly
Thursday 9th June EG/Club Medal
Saturday 11 June Ladies Weekend Golf Medal June Q
Next Committee meeting will be on Thursday 9th June. If you have any items for the agenda please send to Olive before 1st June
Tuesday 24th May Team Alliance Winners Rogie Pauline Lynn T Lynn C 93 points. Excellent score ladies
Thursday 26th May Ping Pairs Winners Paula and Caroline R 46 points
2nd Pauline and Rogie 44 points
The wait is now on to see if 46 points qualifies them for a place in the final Good luck ladies.
Saturday 29th May Weekend Eclectic Round 2 1st Linda B Nett 70
2nd Hazel 71
Looking to the future:-
5th and 7th July Club Championship.
Saturday17th September Save the date for Captains’ Day. Invite friends and relatives to play. Those who don’t play are welcome to the evening where there will be entertainment and a meal. More information nearer the time
Just Giving Page has raised a magnificent £1106 and we haven’t yet had our big fund raising events
Thank you so much for your kind support
There may not be a newsletter next week due to all the Jubilee celebrations. I will see how much time I have left!
A golf quote” Golf is a game whose aim is to get a very small ball into an even smaller hole with weapons singularly ill-designed for the purpose”
So don’t despair – it’s an impossible game!
I hope you all enjoy the 4 day bank Holiday Weekend. Thank you Your Royal Highness