Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 3 April 2021

Happy Easter!

Hope you have all had lots of chocolate! Well its been a great golf week. It was amazing to see all the ladies in their bright colours on such a beautiful sunny Tuesday last week. Chesfield Downs looked in fantastic condition, many thanks to Lee and his team for all their hard work.

Caroline really enjoyed her special birthday!
(how come I wasn’t in that group?).

Finally we get to start our playing season

We will see the return of competitive golf on Thursday 8th April with the Maria Moore Millennium Pairs Betterball.

Our first Stableford qualifier the ‘Price Vase’ Alternative day is on Sunday 11th April. We will be playing off our new World Handicap System (playing handicap 95%). Main day for this event is on Thursday 15th April. Remember to sign in on IG, 7 days prior to playing.

Tuesday 13th April we have the Kay Baker 9 hole Memorial Bowl. If you have not put your name down for the ‘Captains shuffle’ and want to play in this event please email me asap. Following your round;

  • Photograph your score card
  • WhatsApp it to Hazel
  • No need to sign cards, just agree your score with your playing partners
  • We are playing off the COURSE handicap (for 9 holes half your course hdc and round up)

Good luck and enjoy this very special competition in memory of our much loved Kay. Kay’s brother Kevin will announce the winner at a presentation later in the year, date TBC.

Tuesday Captain Shuffles

Captains shuffles will be every Tuesday until block bookings are reinstated. I will send out an email each week, if you would like to play please reply by return with just a yes/no. Your rapid response is appreciated and makes organising the shuffle very straight forward. The player who’s name is in the first slot is responsible to book the tee time for the four players.

See you on the course.

Kind regards
Pauline Humphrey
Lady Captain 2021