Club Champions
Crowned Club Champion for the 4th year running, Virginia Chan (gross 167). Winning the Angela Chatterton Trophy (lowest nett score), Lauren Pitcher.
Twenty two ladies competed in the second round of the club championships in overcast cooler conditions. The leaders from the first round went out in the last group keeping us all in suspense right up to the end. Thank you to Craig Crowhurst, Mens Captain, for inputting the score. He commented how neat, tidy and legible all the scorecards were.
Virginia and Lauren are now eligible to represent Chesfield Downs at the Crown Champion of Champions in September.
Leavers and Joiners
“To lose one lady could be considered a misfortune, but to lose two may be seen as carelessness”. Quoted not by Oscar Wilde about the departure from Chesfield of Liz Cooke and Annette Axelson.
Liz is leaving us for pastures new in Lincolnshire and Annette is moving back to her homeland of Sweden. We will miss them both dearly and have been very lucky to have them as active members of our section. Please keep in touch
On a brighter note we have a new member – Caroline Roadnight. Moving up from the par 3 Caroline is looking to put in her 3 cards for her handicap so anyone wishing to play a round with her please contact me.
Scratch Team
Sarah, Julie, Jackie, Pat and Virginia visited Brickendon Grange on Monday. Very pleasant company, a sunny warm day but a 5-0 defeat. Good luck for next weeks games.
Upcoming Events
Thursday 27th July – A Wish, A Gift, A Joker
Sign up sheet is on the board for this fun round of golf. Open to all but due to the postponement of the second day at Hellidon Lakes due to bad weather, those away weekend ladies will be playing for prizes!
Wednesday 20th September
Sign up now for the Pride of Lee afternoon tea and cruise. First come first served
Golf Results
Weekend – Eclectic round 3 – Scores on HDID
Stableford League round 4 – Sarah Faircliff leads division 1, Hilary Clark div 2 and Lin Goodey div 3. Still time to catch them up
Stableford League round 4 – Sarah Faircliff leads division 1, Hilary Clark div 2 and Lin Goodey div 3. Still time to catch them up
Half way through my Captaincy year – where has it gone? Is that a good sign or not? Answers on a postcard to my retreat in Spain.
Adios amigos😎
Jackie Reid, Ladies Captain⛳️
Jackie Reid, Ladies Captain⛳️