Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 3 July 2022

Oh my goodness I can’t believe I am half way through my captaincy. I have enjoyed the first half – let’s hope the second half is as rewarding

My Charity Day has raised £3774.70 p so far. Thank you so much for your generosity

What a fantastic weekend we had at Belton Woods. Nikki and Nicola pulled out all the stops to make their final weekend memorable.

The winners of the inaugural Pauline Humphrey Plate were :-

Congratulations to Caroline K, Julie Pa, Rosie and Linda A.

The task for the teams was to take the theme ” royal” and do with it what you will

Here are the results – I don’t have photos of all the teams so please let me have any you may have on your phones or cameras

Australia is a commonwealth country







Royal mail, complete with royal mint (humbugs) and parcel addressed to Tower of London with (reputedly) Crown Jewels






Australia was a popular theme







The Queen’s jockeys with their trainer








Emulating the Queen complete with handbags – guess what is in the handbags???








The whole group








There are many more incriminating photos but “what happens on tour stays on tour”

Dates for next year are 25th – 27th June venue TBD.  Rosie and Olive take over the reins. Looking forward to experiencing their take on the weekend

During the autumn and winter months we intend to start a book club and games evening. Details not yet arranged but it will be at the club on an evening to be decided. Watch this space

Please pay for awayday ASAP  £45 to Ladies section please. Account details  – CDLS 40-28-14  81769642. A good number of ladies attending. Hazel has had to ask for extra tee times

2 bottles were left in the conservatory from the Charity Day Tombola. They had been claimed and then left on the window sill. If they are yours please let me know as I have them in my locker

Pat’s choir are singing at Saffron Hall on 17th July at 3pm and 7 pm. Tickets available from the theatre.

The mens’ Charity Day is Saturday 16th July 8.15 shotgun start. Ladies are invited to play. Team Alliance £25 for members, £35 for guest. Speak to Phil Tovey if you would like to play

An appeal from JonJo – there were numerous pitch marks on the par 3s this weekend. Even if you didn’t make a pitch mark if everyone repairs a pitch mark it will help the green recovery enormously

There are good second hand golf clothes hanging in the ladies locker room. If you would like to buy any of the items then please do and put the money into the ladies account ( same account as above) or cash in the black box

There will be scones after the 2nd round of the club championship on Thursday. If you are playing but not staying please let me know, if you are not playing but coming up for the presentation please let me know. Kitchen needs numbers by Tuesday.


I omitted to mention that Denise Clinch won the Seniors Handicap Cup in my last newsletter. Congratulations Denise

Tuesday 14th June Pairs matchplay Winners 3/2 Katy/Lynn C/Hazel/Vicky/AnnK/Jackie S/LindaA/Jan/Jacqui Harb/Jenny

Sunday 19th June  Linda A represented Chesfield Ladies at Earle’s Colne. Nikki was her caddy and Linda played well and enjoyed the day.

23rd June Ladies Stableford June  Division 1 1st Linda B with an amazing 44 points and handicap slashed Division 2 Karen with a great score of 42 points  Division 3 Jenny B with a commendable 39 points. Well done everyone

25th June Ladies Weekend Eclectic  1st Megan with nett 71 

30th June Kay O’Sullivan Four Ball Ladies Cup Winners Jacky S, Ann K, Linda A and Maggi with a score of 90 points. Excellent work ladies

                                                                              Runners Up Jenny F, Hilary, Angela and Pam with a score of 89 points. Their score is impressive but just as impressive                                                                                is  their combined ages which is 301 years of age. Amazing ladies.

Sign Up sheet for Marica’s and Hilary’s posh tea is up and spaces are filling up fast.

Upcoming events:-

Club Championship Tuesday 5th and Thursday 7th July

Awayday Thursday 4th August

Captains’ Day Saturday 17th September

Enjoy the golf – the ball is running and bouncing but not always in the direction we want it to