Tuesday is November and on Friday I was playing in tee shirt!!
We are having a weekend in London next weekend so no newsletter.
Congratulations to Rogie on her Hole in One during a Pearson Match! Fantastic.
Please welcome Gill M who joined the Club last week.
Thursday 10th November. Ladies Section AGM, straight after golf. Please come and support your section. Refreshments provided courtesy of the Club.
Christmas Cards ( yes I know we haven’t yet had Halloween, but the shops have had them in since August), created and painted by Mandy. Pack of 5 for minimum donation of £3 per pack. I will have them on display every Tuesday and Thursday and of course at the Winter Invitation. Hurry they are selling quickly.
Sleeveless t shirts which should have been white but are mint/aqua (Very nice colour). There was miscommunication between myself and Barry. If you ordered one please pick them up from the reception for £21
Thursday 3rd November – next Ladies Committee meeting. Please let Olive know ASAP if you have any items for the agenda
Thursday17th November Hattersley Cup. This is match play Captain v Vice Captain Teams. Sign Up before 10th November which gives Hazel and me time to sort out the teams.
Thursday 17th November – cakes after game for players and also for anyone who represented Friendly, Pearson or Scratch Teams this year. Please let Ann K know if you are not staying or coming specially for refreshments.
Thursday 24 November Winter Invitation 84 Ladies already signed up. Hurry to bag a tee time if you haven’t already. Lots of visitors, lots of prizes. Don’t forget to bring in bottles ( of any description) and chocolates for the tombola stall. £2 per ticket.There will also be the last chance to buy the current stock of used golf clothes and equipment.
Lin needs to know the CDH number of all visitors.
Ann K needs to know of any dietary requirements.
Pay £22 in to Ladies Section Account.
Bring some cash on the day and let your visitors know.
Thursday 15th December – Christmas Greensomes. Dust off the Christmas jumpers and decorate your trollies. Prizes for best golf and jumper and trolley. Take snacks on to the course and enjoy the 9 holes.
In the evening dress to impress at the Chesfield Downs Christmas Party. Ladies Section have reserved 4 tables of 8.
Please let Linda B know if you would like a place. Pay at reception – £31.50 for members. Linda is going to put a notice up in locker room for food options
Pearson Sweaters needed:-
If you own a Pearson sweater and are no longer eligible for the team, Margaret G would love to have them donated to the squad supplies. Please contact Margaret directly.
Tuesday 1 November – Mulligans
Thursday 3 November Daily Mail Foursomes – Good Luck everyone
Saturday 5 November Mixed Winter League
Tuesday 8 November Double Off the Yellows
Thursday 10 November Cup Winners Cup/ Consolation Cup
Sunday 13 November Mixed Winter League
Tuesday 18 October Individual Stableford 1st Pam W 38 Points. Second Sarah 34 Points
Tuesday 25 October Split 3s Winning Team Jan W, Annette B, Paula, and Jacqui Hard 88 Points
Wednesday 26th October Pearson home match v Old Fold Manor
Report from Margaret Team Captain
Sadly we lost the match overall against Old Fold Manor 4 and 3 but there were some great wins by Julie P, Megan and Cheryl. Other games were very hard fought by Olive, Rosie, Jacqui and Rogie and indeed the 9th hole saw Rogie’s ball go down in one, a great achievement and her first ever “Hole in one”! Sorry no photo but will try and remember next time.
Good Luck for your next match on Tuesday – The Melbourne away (formerly Brocket Hall)
Thursday 27 October- Faircliff Scratch/Taylor Handicap KO. Well done to the top 8 scorers who enter the Scratch KO and the next 8 who enter the Handicap KO
First Round due to be completed by 6th February. Good Luck everyone.
Sunday 30 October Double off the Evens Winner Jacqui H 50 Points.
Kathy Ladies Captain 2022