Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 31 July 2022

Howdy Y’All from Dallas Texas

It’s a tad hot here – couldn’t contemplate playing golf in this heat!

Results :-

Saturday 9 July Weekend Eclectic Round 4  1st Megan B 64  2nd Olive Coften 65

Thursday 14 July Ladies England EG/Club Medal July Q Division 1  Hazel B 67  Division 2  1st Julie R 66 Division 3 Jan W 68

Sunday 17 July Ladies Weekend EG/Club Medal July Q 1st Annette G  66 2nd Megan B 69

Thursday 21 July Ladies Lorraine Palmer Cup Pairs Betterball 1st Julie Pa and Cheryl S 52  2nd Amanda M and Rosie W 48 

Tuesday 26 July Double on the Odds  1st Ann Kane 2nd Jackie Swanson

Thursday 28 July Ladies Stableford July Q  Division 1  1st Margaret G 37 points  Division 2 1st Nicola A 48 points Division 3 1st Hilary C 45 Points

Sunday 31 July Double on the Odds 1st Lin G 2nd Hazel B                                          

Excellent results ladies

 Some big handicap cuts

Upcoming :-

Tuesday 2 August Ladies Eclectic Round 1 

Thursday 4 August Ladies Awayday Kelland Pairs at Lakeside Lodge Pidley

Wednesday 10th August  Posh tea SOLD OUT

Friday 19th August  Posh tea hosted by Marica and Hilary – a few places left. Sign up in locker room or contact Marica directly

Saturday 17 September Captains Day, Open to members and guests. 18 holes of golf, evening meal with entertainment cost £35 Payable to Chesfield Downs Ladies Account.  Sign Up sheet to go up on Club notice on the board by 4 August 

The clothes hanging in the locker room are for sale. Please feel free to try them on and pay to Just Giving Page at the bottom of this letter.

Club news- 

New members of staff:-

Christine Barco will start as Events Manager on 1st August

Emma Kingsley- F and B Supervisor

Milly Saunders F and B Assistant

Kate Samuels Receptionist

Chloe Chapman Receptionist

The Club Company are running a competition “best photo of the summer”. I am sure ladies have some corkers. Let’s flood the system. 

Upcoming Club Events

Friday12 August Abba tribute Night

Friday 16 September Typically Tina Tribute Night

Friday 14 October The Dolly Show

Friday 5 November The Soul Man

Friday 11 November Elvis Tribute Night

Just in from County:-

Club Officials Challenge Thursday 25th August Hartsbourne G and CC

Team competition. The team can comprise of anyone to represent the club on the day. £140 per team entry to include food and drink on arrival and after play and prizes. Stableford . Each team will be split into pairs to play with a pair from another club

My Wingwalk is getting very close. Sunday 14 August Please consider sponsoring me if you haven’t already, Just Giving details at the bottom of this page

That’s All Folks from Texas  See you at Pidley on Thursday
