Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 4 April 2022

Here we are back in winter! Snow flurries put paid to the Megan Bonner yet again

I began to wonder if this comp would ever get played. However a compromise was reached – a later start, and once around the Par 3. The delicious soup was very welcome when we returned to the clubhouse.

I hope those of you who experienced the Power Point Presentation devised by Hazel were entertained and educated, not to mention the chocolates! Virginia is going to put the presentation on the Ladies website, and then I will put a link in the newsletter

Some people took the delayed start to learn some new IT.

Captains’ Drive In A very successful day. Temperature as I arrived at the club was -2 degrees! We were knocking ice from our shoes on the first 3 holes. Then the temperature rose to a balmy 12 degrees and it was a great day. The icing on the cake was that the competition was won by an all-ladies team: Julie Pr, Anne L, Nikki B and Cheryl.

Well done. And Nikki won one of the Captains’ Drive In flags. Win-Win.

A very big thank you to Barry and all the staff for making the day go well. I certainly enjoyed my free drink to give me Dutch courage for the Drive In

A great turn out of ladies to support the section – thank you.  It’s been said before but I will say it again – Chesfield have THE BEST ladies section.


Mixed Winter League Round 17. Top ladies team was Hazel, Jacqui Harbor, Lin G and Julie Price

Saturday 26th March Mixed Roger Burman Warm Up :- Lin G came second in a field of 70. Great Result

Megan Bonner result will be announced and presented at Spring Meeting

It’s been a very busy weekend for my family so apologies that this newsletter is a bit late


Kay Baker 9 hole comp. Please sign up on line AND in locker room

Jubilee Jug. I am sure by now you all have your dress-up ready. Cost is £8, please pay directly to ladies section

Mary Warmoth Pairs Knockout and Ann Grist Singles Knockout Comps. Sign up will be on ig shortly. If you would like to enter the pairs, get your pairs sorted

It’s been a very busy weekend for my family so apologies that this newsletter is a bit late.

Kathy Carroll
Ladies Captain