Golf isn’t always about winning, of course, it’s also about having fun! Here are the ‘smiley’ ladies who played against the Men on Sunday, in our annual competition. Their smiles cover the disappointment felt by us all over the very convincing win the men had! We really do need to find a way of levelling things up after seven years of losing to them! (Apologies to Wendy M, who had to run off before this photo was taken to see to her domestic heating problems!!)
Last week the weather got the better of most of the golf with both Tuesday and Thursday being largely washed out through the rain! Well done to those few ladies who, nevertheless, battled through it and got in some good practice holes. Better weather is forecast this coming week so we should be ok for the Hattersley Cup on Thursday. If you have forgotten your tee time, the start sheet is now on Intelligent Golf.
Lin has done some very valuable work for us on Ig around pairs and team games and how we sign up. See below….
Pair and Team Competitions will be displayed on start sheet as single slots in the tee times. Therefore ensuring solo ladies are able to book in, as well as those who have partners. Once sign up is closed, conversion takes place to create the Pairs and Teams as displayed on the start sheet. Hopefully this has resolved the issue with Christmas Greensomes, which now reflects those changes. Your patience is appreciated as we all come to grips with migrating to IG.’
As you can imagine the whole process of getting us organised onto Intelligent Golf has been a huge job for Lin and on behalf of us all, I thank her for her efforts. The initial set up has opened up issues that were not necessarily evident at the beginning. Having said that, once this first year has been worked through, the system will simply replicate this, year on year, thus saving a lot of work going forward.
On Intelligent Golf, you will see the sign up for the Christmas Greensomes, along with the rules of the game and a mention of the after game gathering in the conservatory. I have ordered mince pies and tea/coffee and I am aware many ladies bring along a few nibbles too! Don’t forget it is a time to dress-up if you wish, so brush down that Santa outfit and get ready for the fun! The two CEOs from MIND in Mid Herts and Tilehouse Counselling are planning on attending to receive our cheques too. Hopefully a photo opportunity for the local paper – might be in order!!
Good luck to the Pearson Squad playing on Wednesday against Dyrham Park at home. Let’s hope we can beat them on home soil!
FINALLY, THE CLUB COMMITTEE WILL BE CALLING AN EGM ON WEDNESDAY 18TH DECEMBER AT 7PM., TO PUT BEFORE YOU ALL, THE NECESSARY REVISIONS TO THE CLUB CONSTITUTION, FOR YOUR APPROVAL. I know this will not necessarily be high on your agenda, particularly at this time of year, when other pressures on your time take over. However, if I can ask you to spare a few minutes of your time to attend, it would be much appreciated. We promise to keep it as short as possible. A further notice about the EGM along with the revised Club Constitution will be sent out to you all via Ig.
As the year comes to a close, I propose to write one more newsletter before the Christmas break and then will be handing over to Rogie for 2020!!
Thank you,
Ladies Captain 2019