Another week of mixed weather but at least we are now out of January and the days are starting to get just a tiny bit longer. More daylight = More golf!
The sign up sheet for the Megan Bonner Par 3 is now up so please get your names up. Thursday 22nd Feb, shotgun start at 9.30, light refreshments afterwards with prize presentation for the Winter Eclectic.
A Novelty Stableford (rules perhaps need a little clarification for next time but it was fun!!) the Winner on her return from Florida was Kathy Dale and Mandy Unger was the Runner up. Obviously these ladies were best at kicking and throwing!
Winter Eclectic Round 5. Hopefully with 2 more rounds to go we still have room for improvement…don’t leave it too late to go low!
Chesfield Ladies are becoming a force to be reckoned with individual and team golf and in order to raise our profile further it is a perfect time of year to think about entering a couple of County Competitions for those of a competitive nature. It would be fantastic to see some of you taking part – great way of playing some different courses and making new aquaintances. Details as follows
De Paula Cup – this is a scratch singles KO competition for handicappers from 12.5 – 20.4 (as at 19 March 2018) The KO matches take place over the summer months with competitors arranging their own matches for the first 3 rounds. Please see the HCLGA website for entry forms and details or speak to Jackie Reid.
Powell Cup – this is a Foursomes Scratch KO Cup. Details are again on the website but please see Kathy Dale who will be coordinating this one.
Thanks to those who came to the Porters Park Coffee Morning. All your tickets were entered into the 4 ball raffle but we had only one winner – congratulations to Di Rogers who won a 4 ball at Dyrham Park which is near Barnet and I believe it is a lovely course! Well done Di, and sorry everyone else! Money raised all went towards promoting and running Junior golf in the County.
Good luck this week⛳️
Sarah Faircliff – Ladies Captain 2018