Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 4 May 2016

Sunday 8th May is a very busy day for Chesfield Downs Ladies Section. We have 3 exciting events taking place all at once.

  • The Ken Bird Trophy is being competed for. A battle between ladies, men, seniors and junior sections. 6 members of each golf section will play in mixed 4 balls with the aggregate of best 4 scores from each section deciding which section wins the coveted Ken Bird Trophy. Good luck to all the ladies in our team – Jackie Reid, Lin Goodey, Julie Price, Sue Brady, Patti Vincent and Roz Mackenzie.
  • Sarah Faircliff leads our Scratch team on their second match of the 2016 season. The match is at home against Aldwickbury Park. We are all willing you on to a second win of the season. Good luck to you all.
  • Meanwhile, ten ladies section members will be raising money for the Garden House Hospice by walking across 13 iconic bridges of London. They have raised a magnificent £600 so far. If you would like to sponsor them please visit the Just Giving page. 

Monthly Stableford (23rd Apr) was won by Emma Wood with 32 points. The weekend May medal (1st May) was won by Megan Bonner with nett 74.
Weekend competitions are awarded points in the Weekend Order of Merit competition. Click here to see the latest standings (also found under the Leaderboard menu on our website).

I couldn’t believe the weather! Strong winds, sleet and then hailstones covered the course. Especially as I was “suffering” in 23 degree heat in sunny Gran Canaria. Bring on the summer… SOON ! I cannot believe you played at all, but you are a hardy bunch. Well done to anyone who played.
Results for Round 2 of the Stableford League are: Div 1 – Patti Vincent with 33 points. Div 2 Helen Leigh with 30 points and Div 3 Jenny Feaver with 33 points. Amazing scores in dreadful weather!
Click here to view the latest league table (also found under the Leaderboard menu on our website).

Hot on the heels of her recent Jubilee Jug win, the Ann Warner Trophy for players with handicaps of 29 or less was won by Hazel Brunnen with a score of 38 points. Congratulations on a well-deserved handicap cut too. The Maureen Eastwood Trophy for players with handicaps of 30 or more was won for the second successive year by Katy Cook with 33 points. A brilliant achievement.

Kathy Dale, Ladies’ Captain