Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 4 September 2022

Wow – here we are in September. 3 Months to go until the end of the year. We have had a fantastic summer, Let’s hope this doesn’t herald a harsh winter

Sunday 25 – Tuesday 27 June 2023 Sign Up for Away Weekend in locker room now. Cost is £358 with single room supplement of £90. Nonrefundable deposit of £50 by 31 October

We are very sad to be saying farewell to Vicky who is moving to the Cotswolds. This will bring her nearer to her family in Wales. We will miss your lovely smiley face and the Welsh lilt, but we hope that you will come to our ladies events whenever you can. There will always be plenty of people willing to offer you a bed.

I only played once in the Scratch Team and in those days you were given a shoe bag and a cap. My cap has been worn once, the shoe bag is still in its original packaging. If any member of the scratch team would like one or both please let me know. Willing to part with them for a donation to my Charity

The next Ladies Committee meeting is on Thursday 8 August. If you have any items you would like added to the agenda please let Olive know in writing. Do not add Conditions of Competitions re handicap differences as these will be looked at in detail at a separate meeting.

Don’t forget to let Pat know if you would like to join the newly formed book club.

Did you know that you can look up your past games on England Golf? My graph would look very worrying if it was recording my blood pressure! You can also look up any other player at home or any other club. Grab a cuppa and have a play.

Did you know that Committee meetings are available on Chesfield Downs Website?

Hit the menu button, then information, committee meeting minutes. All committee meeting minutes are there- Club, Ladies, Men Seniors and Juniors.

Happy Reading


Tuesday 6 September Stableford League Round 5

Thursday 8 September Eclectic Cup Round 2 (last round) DO NOT PICK UP.

Saturday 10 September Weekend EG/Club Medal September

Tuesday 13 September Stableford League Round 6

Thursday 15 September EG/Club Medal September

Saturday17 September Captains Day We have a very good contingent representing the ladies section . Please bring cash on the day £5 for Heads and Tails game and cash for donation to staff tip..There will be a silent auction for a 6 month 7 day membership. Please e mail with your offers

Sunday 18 September Weekend Eclectic Round 6

Please make sure your cards are correctly completed and signed. Example card is in locker room


21 and 25 August Stableford Division 1 Annette G Division 2 Lin G Division 3 No Players

Sunday 4 September Ward Pairs. 28 Ladies took part in this comp. Winners were Anne L and her partner Paul.  2nd place Annette G and her partner Mike. Ladies nearest the pin was Debbie Foley. Ladies longest drive was Annette G. Thank you to Les and Pat for a very enjoyable day.

Pearson Team This is a winter competition played between October and May. It is a fantastic opportunity to play some excellent courses in the county.

Matches are played both home and away. Players must have a handicap index of 12.5 to 34.4 inclusive

Please let Linda B know if you are interested.

White Sleeveless Polo Shirts – please go to Under Armour site and look at their sleeveless polo shirts and let me know your size. At the moment they are on sale for £24.97. Barry can order them for us with Chesfield Logo on them. Will give him final numbers on Tuesday. At the moment I have Lynn C, Annette G, Katy, Jacqui Harb, Clare, Debbie, Jacqui Hard, Julie Pr, Maggie, Kathy C, Jill, Jackie S,Lin G, Rosie

Happy Golfing on the green fairways
