Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 5 Nov 2016

The Hattersley Cup
IMPORTANT – WINTER RULES – Pick & Place started on 1st November

Hattersley Cup, Thursday 10th November  – Play for the Captains team or the Vice Captains Team.

Ken Bird Mixed Section Weekend Winter League – Starts this weekend for 7-day members. Sign up on HowDidIDo.

Club AGM, Tuesday 15th November 7pm  – Support your new Club Captain by attending the Club AGM.

Herts County Ladies Golf Association AGM at Aldwickbury Golf Club on Monday 28th November 7.30pm – The Agenda and minutes of the last AGM are on our notice board. Jackie Reid and Sarah Faircliff will be attending. If you would like to attend, Jackie and Sarah would be delighted for you to join them.

Stableford League Presentation – Held on 25th October. We had three very clear winners this year:

Division One (Handicaps up to 20) – The winner with far and away the most points was Patti Vincent with 20 points – even though she had moved house and could not play in the final round, she was still uncatchable by anyone in this division.

Division Two (Handicaps 21-29) – Once again, the winner of this division was far ahead of any of her rivals – with 19 points the winner was Jenny Feaver.

Division Three (Handicaps 30-36) – And yet again with a huge margin on 18points and uncatchable by the final round – the winner is Katy Cook.

Thank you Pauline Humphrey for organising the competition throughout the year and keeping the scores up to date. And thank you to Virginia Chan for putting the scores on our Chesfield Downs Ladies website so that we can all see how everyone is doing. See the “Leaderboard” menu.

Tuesday – Competition cancelled due to fog.

Thursday – A Wish, a Gift, a Joker. A game of strategy. Did you choose well? Helen Leigh did. Congratulations to our winner Helen with 48 points. 2nd place with 47 points Denise Clinch on countback from Rogie Taylor also on 47 points. A really good, fun competition.

Kathy Dale, Ladies Captain