Apologies ladies but IG is having some technical issues, therefore we have no images in this newsletter, not even our logos!
Amidst all this beautiful weather we had a day of rain on Friday which is when Kathy C and I went to The Essex. It was a double headed theme, play the course and meet the Solheim Cup opposition. Despite the pouring rain and having to abandon play we had the most enjoyable day! We met Shelia (Lady Captain) and Julie (Vice Captain) who were both very welcoming and excited to be part of the Solheim Cup event (which is due to take place at: Chesfield Downs on 3rd September 2021). The way time is flying that will be very soon!
Coronation Foursomes: Congratulations go to Amanda M and Ann K who came in with an amazing 42 points, they are now eligible for a place in the Regional Final, to be held in Cambridgeshire, fingers crossed they get through. Well done ladies.
Friendly Match: Our ladies were in action on Saturday at home against Colmworth. Unfortunately it was not to be Chesfield Downs day, the match went 2-1 to Colmworth. Some great games and enjoyable matches in very hot weather! Well played ladies not easy in those conditions.
Charity Day – Remember to invite your golfing friends to our Charity Day on 15th July 2021. Thank you to those of you that have signed up to help. We are now looking for donations for our: Tombola (bottles), raffle, home made items and good second hand golf clothing. At present we have no security for the ladies locker rooms so until this is rectified please leave your donations with one of the committee members. Sign up sheets for the big day will go up during the week and will be displayed on the notice board opposite the ladies changing room.
Megan Bonner Par 3 Championship: As this competition will be on the Par 3 course on 17th June, there will be a sign up sheet on the notice board for entry.
General Information
First Aid: We still have spaces for the first aid course on the Thursday 24th June after golf (approximately 3pm). The cost of the session is £5.00 pp which covers the cost of the trainer. If you wish to attend please sign up on the poster, on the notice board (opposite the ladies locker room). Payment to Chesfield Downs Ladies Section: CDLS 40-28-14 81769642
See you on the course!
Kind regards
Pauline Humphrey
Lady Captain 2021