Qualifiers are back !!!! And so is the Birdie book (kept on the bookcase in locker room). Birdies achieved in the following competitions should be entered into the Birdie book and on the Birdie Tree:
- All Tuesday, Thursday and Weekend competitions 1st March – 31st October
- All Pearson, Scratch and Friendly matches played at Chesfield Downs.
- Palmer Cup (Ladies v Seniors)
- Ken Bird Trophy
Round 13 of the Ken Bird Winter League, 3 clubs and a putter, obviously all Linda Brown needs as she scored a magnificent 38 points.
A pairs competition this week, four ball better ball saw some good scores considering the weather. Winning by just one point from Sarah Faircliff & Susanna Chan were the pairing of Lesley Bonser & Di Rogers. Hope they enjoyed their prosecco.
Remember to sign up for the Summer knockouts – closing date 23rd March.
Bishop Stortford Golf Club are holding a fashion evening on Monday 27th March, details are on the notice board. A fun evening out and perhaps a bargain or two.
And finally…. please be courteous to your playing partners and if you cannot for some reason play please contact them to let them know.
Spring is on the way…… happy golfing
Jackie Reid, Ladies Captain