Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 6 May 2019

My goodness the weather was cold enough to be at the Arctic at times this week particularly at the weekend when four brave ladies ventured out to play the second round of their Eclectic. Conditions were challenging to say the least, but well done ladies for getting out there and hopefully improving on a few holes!

Conditions on Thursday had been slightly better and the scores were much closer to the course par. Vicky T came out on top for Division 1 with a nett of 72 just beating Anne L by one point. In Division 2 Pauline H came in with the highest score and a well deserved handicap cut with a nett of 72 just beating Debbie F by again one point! The players within the Pearson Squad were also competing for their Trophy and I am pleased to say Pauline H will be presented with the beautiful glassware at the next opportunity.

Earlier in the week the ladies were competing in a Split Threes game. The winning team were Vicky T, Debbie F, Kathy M and Katy C with a team score of 91, beating the nearest team by an impressive 8 points. Well done ladies.

This coming Thursday, forty ladies will be playing in the Spring Meeting with a team alliance game followed by a lovely lunch. Seven ladies will later join us for lunch and the presentation of cups and trophies won so far with year. Hopefully if you have had a great first 5 months of the year and are a winner, you will be there to collect your glassware or prize. We will be selling tickets for our Charity raffle at the registration table.

Saturday 11th May sees the Friendly Squad travel to Colmworth for their second match of the season. Kathy M is always looking for ladies to join in these matches, so please contact her if you are interested. It certainly helps to improve your game, being challenged to play courses you are unfamiliar with, so do get involved.

Sunday 12th May, a team of six ladies will be trying to bring the Ken Bird Trophy home to the ladies section! This competition sees each of the four sections competing for the said tankard, so wish us luck and for some kind weather!!!

We are sometimes asked about what things the committee are discussing at the moment. To enable you to keep up to date with this, two copies of the most recent minutes are now on the section noticeboard for you to peruse. Our next meeting is on Thursday 30th May, so if you have anything you would like to raise, please do let me know on I will remind you again nearer the date.

Lastly, there are still a few ladies still to return their GDPR preferences, if I could politely ask you to get this completed as soon as possible. Thank you.

Lets hope the weather warms up soon!!

Ladies Captain