Well how time flies. Here we are in August This time next week my Wing Walk will all be over. It’s just hitting me now what I have let myself in for!
Several people have expressed an interest in coming to watch – Address is:-Damyns Hall Aerodrome Ltd, Aveley Rd Upminster RM14 2TN. My arrival time is 1.30 pm, however my flight time could be up to 3 hours later than that. It is also weather dependant but the forecast is looking good. Apparently there is a bar on site – which I will be hitting when it’s all over!!!
Hopefully I will still be here to write about it next week!!
Thank you again to everyone who has donated. I have now raised more than £6000 for the hospital. Still room for more at the Justgiving page at the bottom of this letter.
We had a fantastic day at Lakeside Lodge Pidley on Thursday for the Kelland Pairs Trophy. A big thank you to Hazel who organised the whole day. The course was longer than Chesfield but thoroughly enjoyable. Weather was perfect. Company as always was a pleasure. Food was amazing.
Well done to the successful ladies:-
Nearest the Pin for Handicaps 25 and under Marica, over 25 Alayne
Longest Drive for Handicaps 25 and under Annette G, Over Handicap 25 Sangeeta
2nd Place in competition Nicola A ( last year’s winner) and Alayne 49 points
1st Place Julie R and Jacqui Hard with a staggering 50 points
Well done ladies
There was an extra trophy this year – Kathy’s Katastrophe
You may remember that last year I broke the Kelland Trophy. I managed to salvage a small glass ball and had it mounted. It seemed appropriate that this should be presented to the individual/pair who were basically plonkers of the day.
The clear winners for this were Rogie and Mandy. One of their balls went “in the lake”. They could see it so made a human chain to try and retrieve it. One tried in front then the other. After a few minutes they realised that in fact “the lake” was green and in fact terra firma!!!! They walked up to to and retrieved. it. Plonkers of the day!
More photos coming up on photo board in locker room corridor Thank you to Jackie R for the photo collage
Reminder to please rake bunkers after use. I know we all do but some other sections don’t so a general reminder has been requested by JonJo
There will be a committee meeting on Thursday 11th August. If you have any items for the agenda please let Olive know in writing
Please continue to enter General Play Cards. Tuesdays Eclectic Competitions are an ideal opportunity for this. Don’t forget to let Karen know before the start of your round.
A very busy week
Tuesday 2nd August Eclectic Round 1-1st Division Rogie 67 Division 2 Caroline 67 Division 3 Amanda 66
Wednesday 3rd August Palmer Cup
This was Chesfield Ladies Day- Winning the Competition 4 and 2. Thank you to Rogie for organising this and well done ladies
5th August Match v Mowsbury Away. Matches went to the wire but it wasn’t to be Chesfields day
Upcoming :-
Sunday 7th August Ladies Weekend Eclectic Round 5
Tuesday 9 August Eclectic Round 2
Thursday 11 August Ladies EG/Club Medal
Saturday 13 August Ladies Weekend EG/Club Medal
Tuesday 16 August Ladies Eclectic Round 3
Thursday 18 August Macknight Pairs Betterball
Wednesday 10th August Posh Tea – SOLD OUT
Friday 19th August Posh Tea
Saturday 17th September Captains Day Sign Up Sheet now up near back door of club house.
Upcoming Club Events
Friday 12 August Abba Tribute Night
Friday 16th September Typically Tina Tribute Night
Friday 14 October The Dolly Show
Friday 5 November The Soul Man
Friday 11 November Elvis Tribute Night
Enjoy the sunshine – are we getting used to this heat? Another hot week coming up!
Stay safe and cool