Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 9 Apr 2018

At last we are out on the course and it is a little warmer and definitely less wet!

On Tuesday a few brave souls played 9 holes and on Thursday we played the rearranged O’Sullivan Cup over 16 holes. The results are not on HDID but will be announced at the Spring Meeting.

Saturday saw the season opener Captains Drive In, featuring all Section Captains and Vice Captains.

The weather stayed dry and a special thank you to all the Ladies who took part. It was a really fun day and the other Captains, Vice Captains, members, and staff helped make it a memorable day for all the new Captains. Congratulations to Linda Brown who was in the winning team!

In case anyone has not collected their new Club sweater they are in the pro shop for payment and collection. At some stage during the season we will have a photo of everyone in their new colours (and even those who don’t have one can be in the pic too!)

I also have the County Cards for 2018 so let me know if you haven’t got one yet (they should be issued with your membership renewal but I have some spares…)

The tee times for the Jubilee Jug will be published this week and if you would just like to come and join us after the golf for afternoon tea please sign up on the board. Cost for just tea is £5. The more the merrier and there will be a raffle and Air Ambulance merchandise on sale.

Jackie has organised a Spring Flower workshop at the Club on Wednesday 18th April. There are still places available – cost £30 and you get to keep you creations….! Please contact Jackie direct.

This week is our April Stableford – this month it is in conjunction with England Golf Trust and the winner of each division has a chance to progress to an England Golf National Pairs Final to be held in August at Kings Norton Golf Club.

I have decided that I would like to see the fairways narrowed this season then all of you will have to play from the rough and not just me!!

Have fun and good luck to all those involved in matches this week ️😀

Sarah Faircliff – Ladies Captain 2018