Competing in a club v club competition can sometimes be daunting and especially when it is your first time out in the raspberry colours of the Pearson Squad. Matchplay is great fun but when you are out there on your own, it can sometimes feel a very different matter! Karen M wasn’t going to be deterred though! In her first time out, in the Chesfield Pearson colours, Karen was to come in with a great win against Dyrham Park last Wednesday. Julie P used all her experience to win her match too and with dogged determination, Marica took her opponent to the 20th hole before finally losing her game. The final result of losing 5:2, doesn’t portray the closeness of many of the other matches. A great effort ladies, well done! Katrina Douglas’ talk on Sunday 16th February at Chesfield Downs, on the mental aspect of the game of golf, will be interesting and useful to hear, so please do check out the sheet on the noticeboard to reserve your place.
Last Thursday saw the annual team challenge of the Captain v Vice Captain Matchplay game. It was really nice that Bev Hattersley was able to present her trophy and also brought a huge amount of satisfaction, that as Captain, I was able to receive the cup on behalf of all the ladies in my team! This is the first time in six years that the Captain’s Team have won, so well done everyone and thank you! This year’s game had to be moved to the Par 3 course, at the last minute, as the main course was covered in a blanket of early morning fog! The fog was finally to lift and a fine morning of golf was enjoyed by everyone. The two rounds were finished off with a much needed tea, coffee or hot chocolate and cake in the conservatory. Thank you everyone who supported the match.
Next Thursday will see our Christmas Greensomes being played. There is still room on the tee sheet, if you are free so please do sign up. Sharn from MIND and Sue from Tilehouse Counselling will be joining us to receive their cheques. It would be lovely for as many of you as possible to meet the two ladies from the charities that you have all supported so generously throughout the year, so please do join us.
Friday 13th is party night, so please make sure you have sent your money through to Pat and have brushed off your dancing shoes!!
You should have all now seen the notice for the EGM on Wednesday 18th December at 7pm. The Club Committee have carried out a thorough review of the Club Constitution which we would like to formally adopt with your approval. Please do come along and support your committee. Thank you.
As we start to adorn our homes with Christmas Trees, lights and decorations, the cards start to fall through our letter boxes too. As in previous years, can I suggest that, like many of you do already, instead of exchanging cards with one another, we support a charity that is close to our own hearts.
Enjoy the last few rounds of golf before the Christmas break!
Margaret Gentle
Ladies Captain 2019