Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 9 July 2019

Well readers, what an amazing week the Ladies of Chesfield Downs had last week!! The weather was very kind indeed to us but much more importantly the golf was FABULOUS!!

The Ladies Club Championship of any club is one of the major dates in the diary and the last two Thursdays saw the ladies battle it out for top place. Was their good score in the 1st round going to be enough or would they fall by the wayside?? Could they make up the shots that they needed? All thoughts in their heads as they ventured out no doubt! The weather was beautiful and the course amazing! For the last five years, the Club Champion Trophy has been held firmly by Virginia C, an amazing achievement indeed! This year, there were several ladies with other intentions and after a very close 1st round between several ladies, I am thrilled to say Kathy D took the top spot this year, achieving not only the best gross score overall (83 + 85 = 168) and taking the trophy but also coming in with the best overall nett score of 146 too! Quite outstanding and very very well deserved. Taking the Angela Chatterton Trophy with the next best nett score of 148 was Sally W just two shots behind Kathy. An incredible two days of golf! I know both ladies would want to thank their playing partners over the two rounds and the close competition they provided. Hope the celebrations are still going on!!

Whilst the previous Tuesday wasn’t able to completely match the thrills of the Club Championship, around 30 ladies battled it out in the new Miss Designer Golf competition held this year. With a 1st prize of £100 to compete for the afternoon saw several ladies rush along after a hot day at work to get their entries in before the close of day. It was a great day and one we hope we can repeat next year. Coming in with the best score on the day was Diane C who takes away £100 of MDG gift vouchers, 2nd place went to Nikki B (it was worth the rush from work after all) and 3rd place went to Angela H, with smaller prizes for them both. Another great day!.

Looking ahead, we are not far away from the Away Day at Bourn on 1st August! Nikki and Helen will be looking to repeat their win from last year, of course and we will be doing our best not to let them!! Please pay the remainder of the costs to Pat now please if you haven’t already. If you have any concerns as to whether you have paid or not please do ask her. Any other queries to Rogie or myself. The tee times are being done today, so the sheet will be up by Thursday hopefully.

The sheet is also up for our annual competition against the Seniors in the Palmer Cup on Wednesday 7th August. The competition is a pairs matchplay format, so lets see if we can get a big squad out there. Everyone is invited to join in and if we can get a bigger team together, the Seniors are ready to match us in number. Please see the sheet on the board.

With the Solheim Cup match being held on September 13th at Chesfield Downs and the new Pearson Season soon approaching, it is important that squads are as prepared as they can be! The matchplay format is not necessarily one we get a lot of practice in, and it is my intention to utilise some of the tee times on a Tuesday to provide the opportunity for those keen to refine their skills, to take advantage of, so please do keep an eye on the Tuesday board for a few changes to the sign-up sheets. The fun games that we are all familiar with, will not change but the number of tee times given to them will reduce just slightly!

Good luck to all those playing this week, lets hope the weather stays fine!

Take care
Ladies Captain 2019