Hello Ladies
I hope you all enjoyed your VE Day celebrations, I know there were lots of planned parties with neighbours in gardens and driveways, lots of baking and with the weather being wonderful on this very special day it was memorable.
To say these are challenging and unprecedented times this captaincy year is something of an understatement, but it has certainly illustrated how golf is about far more than just hitting a little white ball with a long stick. As a section we have been active in staying in touch with members via WhatsApp, emails, phone calls and virtual meetings and coffee mornings. How did we ever manage before the likes of WhatsApp and zoom. People are still the most important thing about golf by a country mile.
Hope you are still managing to keep occupied with your exercise classes, golfing tips and practising them in your gardens and some of you I know are still sewing, now for the Sue Ryder charity.
Are you a Marathon supporter and was disappointed that it had to be cancelled. Well Kathy D is, so decided that we should have a 2.6 Chesfield golf challenge where you have to hit 26 golf balls directly into a chipping net ( or bowl/bucket if no net) from 2.6 metres and how long will it take you?
Some of us didn’t even post our scores because it took too long, me included, but others had very impressive times with Debbie F recording a fantastic time of 2.24 Hazel B 3.37 and Kathy D 5.40 I expect to see great chipping on the course now Ladies. I have since been practising and can achieve a more respectable time, long may it last.
Do you like quizzes? Test your Bird knowledge with this quiz, I will give you 10 clues today and you must find the 10 birds that each clue relates to, 10 more clues to find 10 more birds will follow in the next newsletter. There will be a prize for the most correct answers in the case of a tie there will be tie breaker questions until we have a winner.
Sorry Golden Snails but Marica informed me that you have already done this quiz but she said you might like a rules quiz instead!!!!!
Clue Number of letters
1 Found on a chess board 4
2 10 Royal angler 10 9
3 When a cat gets up 9
4 Could mean a death sentence 8
5 Small move left or right 6 & 4
6 Brightly coloured tool 6 & 6
7 Eating action 7
8 Black & white dog shows pleasure 4 & 7
9 Call 15 21 26 05 12 4 5 4 & 5
10 Royal angler 10
If you would like to join one of the WhatsApp groups please contact Hazel B or Jackie R, they are a fun way to stay in touch with other Lady members.
A Happy Birthday was sent to two Ladies who had big birthdays in lockdown Nicola A and Helen L, I know many of you have wished them a Happy Birthday through WhatsApp and sent cards.
Keep staying safe everyone
Ladies Captain