Winter rules have ended, all bunkers in play, winter clothes packed away, bare legs, sunscreen out, cups and trophies being played for – the golf season is in full swing!
Competitions which involve food:- these will open 3 weeks before the date but close one week before the competition date. This is to allow us to get the food numbers to the kitchen. Thank you for your understanding on this
Charity Day Thursday 16 Jun 2022.
Pairs Better Ball Competition is now open for signing up, will close a week before the competition date. If you are bringing a guest please let us have her CDH number
Thank you to those who have already volunteered to help on the day.
Reminder – sort out those golf clothes which are in good condition but which no longer fit
sort out any items of equipment that you no longer use
ask your local pub/hairdresser/beautician etc for vouchers please
Sign Up sheet in the locker room for helpers on the day
volunteers needed to man the over the lake challenge. Have one husband – need another please!
photographers on 1st and 10th tees -again husbands come in handy here
volunteers needed to man the stalls eg, selling raffle tickets, tombola stall, etc
if you have already signed up for “anything” – could you transfer your name to a specific task on the new sign up sheet which will go up on Tuesday
could you sponsor a hole or know a business which is willing to do this. From £25 upwards. Sheet is up in locker room
offerings for half way house needed. Sign Up Sheet is in locker room
This very pretty ball marker was lost on the course 10 days ago. If it is yours please see Julie Price
Jacqui Harbor represented Chesfield Ladies Section in The Club House Champion of Champions on Saturday at The Warwickshire She played well until she encountered a horrible bunker which spoilt her round. She did enjoy the day though. We are very grateful to Jacqui for stepping in at short notice to represent our section.
Kathy D and Sarah represented Chesfield Ladies in the Powell Cup. It was a cold day and they had formidable opponents. They fought valiantly but it wasn’t their day. Thank you girls for representing Chesfield Ladies
Thanks to Diane who is organising the Portugal Trip which has been twice postponed due to you know what!
Portugal 2022 If any ladies would like to join this trip14 October – 18 October . Cost for twin room £445 and for single occupancy £625 This includes transfers to and from Faro airport, and to and from golf courses each day. Buggies are rentable locally
Flight costs are extra and you need to book these yourself
Easyjet Luton to Faro EZY 2017 14/10/2022 12.10
Faro to Luton EZY 2020 18/10/2022 19.45
Trip details
14/10/2022 Pestan Blue Alvor (4 nights)
3 rounds of golf
15/10/2022 Gramacho 1st tee 11.24
16/10/2022 Silver Golf 1st tee 11.42
17/10/2022 Vale da Pinta 1st tee 11.24
Diane is looking for 2 volunteers to a) organise nice friendly team games on the 3 days
b) confirm transfers with the hotel when we are there
Please let me know if you are interested in going and/or volunteering to help while we are there
Members Evening returns on Wednesday 11th May. I think the sign up sheet is full and quite a few ladies are on it. Looking forward to it
Reminder re slow play – do not mark your cards unless someone is already teeing off
if you have lost a hole, then let people behind you through even in a competition or a match
Birdies count only in ladies section competitions or matches. Not in a mixed competition or match. Don’t forget to sign the book AND put your name on the birdie tree
Thursday 28 April Ladies 9 hole Stableford April Q
1st Pam B 15 points Well done Pam
Sunday 1 May Ladies Weekend EG/Club Medal
1st Lin G Nett 66. 2nd Lind B Nett 72
Thursday 5th May Club Medal May Division 1 1st Hazel Nett 74 2nd Rogie Nett 74
Division 2 1st Caroline R Nett 69 2nd Jakie S Nett 69
Division 3 1st Julie Pa Nett 72 2nd Pam W Nett 74
Well played everyone. I see some cuts in handicap appearing.
Sunday 8th May. Ladies Weekend Eclectic Round 1 1st Olive Nett 71 2nd Megan Nett 72 Well done ladies