I can’t believe that this is my last Captain’s Log. Where has the year gone? They say time flies by when you are having fun and I have enjoyed being your Captain this year.
Nine hole competitions are now underway, gratefully received by most ladies, especially on cold, wet days. Organised competitions finish after next week. There will be free practice days on 15th and 17th December for those of you who have made the Christmas cake and the mince pies, bought and wrapped all the presents and decorated the tree.
The Winter Invitation was well supported by members and guests. We were lucky with the weather, though that did not help the scoring. Most prizes were won by visitors but well done Pam Blake and Chris Leary for saving us. Several other ladies played well and were disappointed not to win something. Still everyone enjoyed themselves and that’s the main reason we play golf.
The Grand Finale of 2015 is the Christmas Greensomes and Party Night on December 10th. You are encouraged to bring drink and nibbles for either during the game or afterwards. We will meet in the upstairs room where mulled wine and mince pies will be served. This will help you to cope with Marica’s quiz, which in turn will stop you from becoming too bored whilst waiting for the prize giving. As there are 52 ladies playing in the morning, those who go out early will have quite a wait. You could always go on the driving range, practise your putting or try and bargain with Neil in the Pro shop.
Representatives from Carers in Herts and Tilehouse Counselling will be coming along about 1-1.30pm to be presented with their cheques. Thanks to your support and generosity throughout this year we have raised an amazing £5,300, which is to be shared between them.
Amanda Macknight is also hosting a Coffee and Festive Drinks Morning on Friday 18th December to raise even more money. There will be a Bring & Buy Sale, book stall and the obligatory raffle. Please come along if you can and bring your friends and neighbours.
Finally thank you all for your support, encouragement and friendship this year, I have really appreciated it.
Thank you to my committee whose help and hard work have been invaluable.
I look forward to 2016 and a fun and exciting golfing year under Kathy’s leadership.
Good Luck to Kathy and her committee and to all next year’s Team Captains.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.
Jean x