Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Charity Coffee Morning & Cake Off

Today we held our Ladies’ Charity Coffee Morning in aid of Carers in Hertfordshire and Tilehouse Counselling. The cakes were made by the Men from the club who competed in the first ever Chesfield Downs Cake Off. Competition was fierce!

We had a terrific response of 15 cakes – chocolate, lemon, apple, strawberries and cream, raspberry bakewell, burnt toffee cheesecake and carrot cake.

This year’s scrumptious entries in the Chesfield Downs Cake Off

We were stunned by the standard, especially as most of the men had never baked a cake before. Any one of them could have been a worthy winner on the Great British Bake Off. Look out for them in the next series!

Judging was done by everyone who attended the coffee morning. Marks were given for appearance and taste but it was extremely difficult to choose a winner, as all the cakes were delicious. Finally, Glen Culmer was crowned the Chesfield Downs Cake Off Champion for his chocolate and orange cake on countback from John Ray’s Black Forest Gateau. All the men were highly praised for their high standards and imagination.

The winning cake!

Alan our chef, made a stunning centrepiece of a trio of chocolate ganache cakes decorated with shards of three coloured chocolate. This was auctioned for £60.

We raised an amazing £500!! Thank you everyone for your generosity.

A huge thank you to all the men who took part: Tim Hudson, Mark Smith, Stevie Smith, Phil Chester, Kurt Fallon, Richard Williams, John Ray, Glen Culmer, Chris Birkett, Neil McLauchlan, Rob McCafferty, Ben Williams, Clive Rogers, Rod Unger and Frank Berridge.

You were amazing guys, you all deserved to win!

Thank you also to Glyn and Ben for their hard work on the day.

A special thank you to Mandy Unger for donating the proceeds from the sales of her beautiful hand painted Christmas cards.

Jean RayLadies’ Captain 2015