Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Friendly Matches 2013

Today’s match at home v Mt Pleasant finished with a draw and some ‘nail-bitingly’ close matches. Brigid’s partner was injured and unable to play at the last minute. A replacement couldn’t be found in time and Brigid was left to play her pairs match alone but in true Chesfield style she played her socks off and gave her opponents a ‘run for their money’. Today was Jenny Feaver’s first friendly match and she turned out to be an absolute star! Mt Pleasant enjoyed the golf and an excellent lunch afterwards in the gallery. A fun day was had by all! This was our last friendly match of the season and we finish the year with 3 draws & 5 losses. On the whole the matches were very close & we just happened to be unlucky.(Someone has to come second!) Better luck in 2014. Many, many thanks to Megan for organising the friendlies this year and to all the ladies who have played. Well done!