Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Last Captain's Newsletter of 2017

It is with a little sadness that I sit here with my sherry and mince pie and begin my final newsletter of 2017

As usual this time of year is hectic for many but lots of you have still found time to play golf. The seasonal weather closed the course for five days

(Picture courtesy of Pam Wilson)

But thanks to our dedicated green keeping team The Christmas Jumper Challenge did go ahead last Friday, 18hole team alliance followed by a lovely Christmas lunch. Ann Lawrence was in the winning team who scored 84 points

Eleven ladies danced the night away at the Glittering Christmas Party

As we look forward to 2018 can I remind you that sign up is now on HDID for the 12 hole winter eclectic.

Also those wishing to purchase a new club jumper in foxglove can try one for size. Please see Marica

Another small sherry as I close by wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and A Happy and Healthy New Year
