Chesfield Downs representing America |
Mill Green representing Europe |
A mini Solheim Cup took place today between Chesfield Downs and Mill Green. Chesfield represented America and Mill Green Europe. The day started with coffee and a rousing showing of a YouTube clip of the 2011 Solheim Cup in Ireland. This set a boisterous atmosphere for the day and put us all in a winning mood. The event comprised 3 singles matches, 3 pairs matches and 3 foursome matches, with 1 point awarded for a win and 1/2 a point for a draw. Several of the matches went to a nail-biting finish on the 18th but finally the Europeans clinched a solid 6:1 victory. The day was finished off with sandwiches, chips, pancakes and maple syrup and lashings of banter between the two teams. This is a new event that has been introduced by Linda Clark, the Ladies Captain at Mill Green. It has been well supported by Crown, who hope that it will become a permanent fixture in the Crown Calendar, with their clubs challenging each other to hold similar events to help promote professional ladies golf. Congratulations to Mill Green for introducing such an enjoyable event and winning the 2013 mini Solheim Cup. In 2015 the event will be held at Chesfield Downs, where we hope to turn the tables!