Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Xmas Greensomes

There were some crazy outfits on the golf course today! Kathy Dale and Rogie Taylor pitched up in matching onesies.  Not to be out done, Sue Watson was disguised as a reindeer and Lyn Gooday had turned herself into a walking Christmas tree!  However, the ‘crazy Christmas clothes’ competition was won by Christine Skeen and Diane Chapman.  It was a tough job to choose winners but Chris and Di clinched this victory with their ridiculous headgear and cheeky slogan ‘Nice Baubles’ emblazoned across their chest!

Quite surprisingly,  full fancy dress did not seem to hinder the quality of the Ladies’ golf. They produced some good scores for this 9-holes Greensomes competition.  Jo Wilkinson and Helen Leigh took 2nd place with 20 points and were just pipped to first place by Jodie Lusby and Maria Burton with 21 points.

This was our last competition in the 2013 calendar, which made it an ideal opportunity to hand over our  cheque to Lucia Martinez from CLIC Sargent.  Lucia gave a short presentation on how our donation might be used to support Hertfordshire children with cancer and their families.  It was my great pleasure to present Lucia with a cheque for an amazing £5,815.  Thanks to everyone who has contributed over the year in so many ways.  It is greatly appreciated.

As this was my last event as Ladies Captain and my last blog of the year, I would really like to take the opportunity to thank all of the Chesfield Downs Ladies for the support, generosity and sense of fun they have shown throughout the year.

All my very best wishes to Megan and Brigid for next year.  I know they will have a great 2014, as Chesfield Downs is blessed with an amazing Ladies Section.

Merry Christmas and happy New Year!